Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sweet Nerd of Paradox

I know what you're expecting to see.


No new entry from the strangely absent Benjamin.

Well -- surprise! I finally got around to blogging again. It's been a long time and a lot has happened, and I have been too busy and (alternately)too lazy to sit down and scribble in my public diary.

I went back to Borders.

And I got a raise. I was the only manager who did, even if I did go the long way around to get it.
Lessons learned.
I want to say that I am happy there, but it's a daily challenge to remain that way, and no-one ever really gets there (i.e. to bliss). There are good days and bad, but mostly good. I have made new and excellent friends. I especially like the guys in the multi-media department. They are all gigantic Beatles fans.
The people under me at work, on my little team, work very hard. They show up on time, they listen, and they work like hell when I tell them to. And that's all I ask.
Proposition: A good way to motivate people is to get them to think about something that seems to have nothing whatsover to do with the task at hand. (Or, as Jack Sparrow would say: "It's even better than a key. It's a drawing of a key.")

Let's see. What else.

I was chewed upon by a brown recluse. I never felt it happen, but one day a great deathly patch of mottled flesh appeared on my inner thigh -- too close to my manly parts for comfort! Since then it has faded from black, to purple, to gray, to mostly back to normal. Nowadays I make sure to give my pants a thorough searching and shaking before ever putting them on!

Brian (the guitar guy) and I have reconciled. Remember Brian? We were partners in beer and guitars for a time, until we had differences at work. We split ways, and that was that. But, one night, I was feeling brave, so I ventured over to his lair. He's one of those people whose house is like a communal sanctuary where people come and go all the time without an invitation.
It's a southern thing.
My friends from other parts of the country have
more locks on their doors.
But you know how it is.
Different strokes.
Well, he was shocked to see me, but things were still civil between us and we managed to follow the Beatles' advice and "work it out".
We still hang out sometimes, but I can't keep up with his lifestyle.
He is a musician. What can I say?

On the Saturday before Christmas, my mum and dad were in town and we had an intimate holiday party at my house. Mum went all out with the preparations and the amassing of a great feast. Dad and I strung lights and hung all manner of wreath and trimming about the place. I got to erect my fake Christmas tree and bombard it with a barrage of ornaments. The party was fun. My old roomie, Lee, arrived with his fiance Judith. Joanne and Lisa were there, too, as were Enormous John Junkill & Suzi, and JCP & Aunt Sally. There was much feasting and chatting and drinking of wine.

I gorged myself over the holidays (on toffee & cakes & pies & cookies & brownies & fudge & sugar plums & ice cream) and gained close to 15 pounds!!!! Since then I have whittled away at the excess, but I'd still like to lose at least another five pounds, so as to become svelte and waifish again.

I am reading a book about running marathons. What to eat, what to wear, how to train. I look forward to giving it a go. Even if I don't run the storied 26 miles, at least I'll go far and lose lots of weight and be comfortable & healthy & aglow once more. Afterall, I have always maintained that I run & workout to be beautiful, not to be a badass.

There's plenty on the horizon. A new Harry Potter movie and book will arrive this summer (as if you didn't know and/or I hadn't said anything already). I am inviting everyone I know, all my cyber pals, and everyone who reads this blog to join us for the release party. Come one, come all - people near and far. We don't have a date yet, but when we do, I will saturate the world (or my part of it) with a marketing tidal wave that is sure to make this a grand event. I am reserving books for everyone I know and, even if they don't want to buy them, this will provide me with extras to give to the people whose orders get lost in the melee, which is bound to happen. It's Murphy's Law. But, thanks to my muggle friends, I'll be prepared! There's also a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie in May, and Scarborough Faire starts in April. I've been thinking that, if I can ever get to a place where I can take weekends off, I'd like to use them to occupy one Springtime out of my life as a weekend employee of Ye Olde Ren Faire. I'd like to be one of the guys who hauls people around in the little buggies. That would be a barrel of belly laughs, if you ask me.
This year, hopefully, I plan to purloin and/or earn a promotion at work. A long talk with Bookstore Terry convinced me that I am not only worthy, but actually better qualified than some of the people above me. Meanwhile, I'll be spending my Thursday nights with the Mystery Gang, exploring old bookstores with Lisa, worshipfully serving Rerun, and working hard to get back into drop dead sexy shape.

Pictured below are some images from the Christmas Party. Joanne took them with my camera. I hope you enjoy them.

Chris (JCP), Enormous John Junkill, Suzi, Aunt Sally, Lee, and Judith mingle.

Mum and the grand feast.

Lovely Lisa.

A bit of Lisa, Judith, Lee, Suzi, Junkill, and Sally.

Dad and me carving the roast beast.