Saturday, March 04, 2006


It has been quite a week since my last entry. I hardly know where to begin. One of the intervening events, at least, has already grown so stale that it hardly bears repeating. But here goes ... I had something of an issue at work with Brian (the guitar guy) and I had to pull rank and act like a supervisor. It's a long story and I'm really tired of telling it. I'll just say that he is now on his last warning. I never really wanted to see him get fired (much), but I think he needed a major attitude adjustment. He, basically, calls in sick (meaning drunk) at least once a week. But he knows how many infractions - or occurences, in Borders parlance - he has and exactly how many more he can get away with. It has become ridiculous. So when he wandered in fifteen minutes late, reeking of beer, and said he couldn't stay, because he was "tired" (even though he had paid a cab to bring him all the way to work), I had to ask, "Do you want to work here or don't you?" I also told him he could go home if he felt like it, because I had the authority to send him home if I saw fit. Maybe I was a little edgy with him, but I was taking my voice of authority on its maiden voyage. I didn't particularly enjoy doing this, but it had to be done. And I think I handled it pretty well (despite what Jordan says).

So Brian got mad and threw away his name tag, etc. He said, "You can't send me home, I'm leaving!"

What a cliche'!

Then he wandered across the street to Bennigans to drink more beer with his friends ... which was probably why he took a cab to our neck of the woods to begin with. He began calling the store and asking people if he still had a job, and told everyone that he didn't really quit. Even though, when he was leaving Borders, he had made a purchase and told the cashier not to give him an employee discount as he no longer worked for the company.

He told other employees (most notably Jordan) that, if he lost his job, he was going to have his friends call the Customer Care hotline and make up numerous false complaints about me, up to (and including) charges of sexual misconduct.

Pretty serious stuff.

So I scrawled off a few emails to the right people, detailing the entire situation and documenting all the witnesses, etc. Note: other people smelled beer on him, too. And he verbally threatened a co-worker who made a harmless quip about his haircut.

All in the same night.

Anyway, he still works for Borders, but as I have said, he is hanging on by a very thin thread. It must be impossible to fire people. And I really am tired of this story. I don't want to discuss it anymore.

Incidentally, I put in quite a lot of overtime this week, so my paycheck should be huge.

On a brighter note, I had a marvelous time at Aunt Sally's house on Thursday night. Friday, my day off, was just as enjoyable. I walked along the Chisolm Trail all the way to Barnes & Noble and back. Much of this time was spent reminiscing about the old days at B&N. Then I took a little trip to the Witchy Woods. But, this time, I wandered off the Jordan Trail and went deep into the dense foliage. Somewhere, out there in the depths of the woods, lay the remains of a little house. All that was left was an asphalt shingle roof, an old well, and a rusty bathing tub. Wreckage of a simpler time.

I also went to work on my garage, cleaning and rearranging. And then I went through mountains of old papers and put them all in their proper place --- be it in the trash, or in a file, or whatever.

And, tonight, after a hard day at work, I came home and grilled two delicious steaks, baked a potato, and cooked some veggies. I marinated the steaks all night long in Stubb's Beef Marinade. Good stuff. The best! Then I sizzled them to perfection on the big grill that was gifted to me by Jordan & Amanda. Believe it or not, this was my first time to use a grill, and I didn't burn down the house or fry the cat or anything. And the steaks ended up being excellent.

I've started rereading Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series. It's one of my all-time favorite fantasy epics. I would recommend it to anyone.

Well --- that's about it.

I feel like I've left something out.

Oh yes! I found a Jason's Deli gift card on the floor at work. It's got almost twenty dollars left on it! I'll be eating well (and for free!) all week.

And I'm thinking of finally biting the bullet and getting a cell phone.


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Junkill said...

Wow! Much weirdness in Benchenzo land ... First off, people should know that sexual harassment claims are nothing to throw about lightly (says the guy who could have his license pulled for the least reason) ... the guy should know that false claims can be prosecuted ... big time!

I've heard such good things about the His Dark Materials books ... let me know more as you get into them.

As for cell phones... I never wanted one. I didn't want to be that much "in touch". Now I love my cell phone. I don't use it THAT much, but when I need to be in touch, I can be. It is pretty cool, and cheaper than a regular land-line.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Benjamin said...

Well, you're probably right about being on the floor. However, we were in a very private corner of the cafe, and nobody could hear or see us. Except you.

Anyway, I don't even remember how His Dark Materials ends... it's been so long. I do, however, recall people (Brent, Amanda, and you) telling me to look out for the ending.

And if JK Rowling makes Voldemort turn out to be Harry's dad and say, "Come join me on the dark side of the magic and we shall rule Hogwarts as father and son" ... she's gonna get a lot of backlash. Whatever happens, there will be happy readers and disappointed readers. It's inevitable. All we know, for sure, is that she has already written the ending, and that the last word in the books will be "scar".

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Mara said...

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At 8:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This Brian sounds like he has some maturity issues. Those are very serious threats he is making.

I think I need to reread His Dark Materials too. I finished The Amber Spyglass in January of 2001, which was half a decade ago! I find that I can't remember very many details, just vague plotlines. I have been hesitant to pick it up again, though, because it left me somewhat distraught. But I was young.

I'm glad you got to use your grill, I remember you talking about it down here. It was really the first time you'd ever grilled anything?

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Benjamin said...

I've grilled with other people before (like Jordan), and I always liked it. But this was the first time I've ever gone on a totally solo flight with the grill. And I'm proud to say that I didn't blow anything up!

And yes - His Dark Materials is a good read. I'm rediscovering all about Jordan College and the Gobblers, the kidnappings, Dust, etc. Everyone seems distraught by the ending, though. It seems unfair to have to read that far and then be let down, especially since the last book is the longest.


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