Saturday, November 05, 2005


Today is Guy Fawkes Day. It's my second favorite holiday (next to Halloween). Only the English would celebrate a failure. I mean, here in the States, we have Independence Day; the result of a successful revolution; with fireworks and explosions which, obviously, represent the destruction and tumult of war. Yippeee!

Over there, however, they celebrate the bungled attempt of an inept revolutionary (Fawkes) to blow up Parliament. He was discovered and arrested in a cellar beneath the House of Lords (into which he and other malcontents had tunneled) with a massive supply of gunpowder. Apparently, his co-conspirators evacuated when they learned that their plot might hurt innocent people, leaving Fawkes to guard the kegs of powder. Whether or not he was still planning to ignite them is unclear.

The fireworks, in this case, must represent something that didn't actually happen. The English probably wish all such terrorists were as inept as Fawkes.

I should note that Fawkes was, summarily, tortured and executed, and the English burn him in effigy every Fifth of November. Merry Olde England.

Poor olde Guy.

To read all about Guy Fawkes, go here: .

And now for something completely different:

Yesterday, I learned that some of our brainiest science people have discovered that pigments found in curry can both reverse and prevent the brain plaque which causes Alzheimer's Disease. This is wonderful news for us all (if the research pans out).

India, incidentally, has one of the lowest rates of Alzheimer's.
To read all about it, go here:

Anyone for Indian food?

I had a great day at work, today. Felt like a leader! Acted like one, too. I think we're going to survive Christmas. All the major merchandising and inventory is done, and now we can concentrate on keeping (getting) the store organized. I feel quite capable of raising the morale of the people around me. I can feel others being inspired when I'm in a good mood, and the whole crew seems down when I'm feeling low. What power! I have to be careful how I use it. I may also have to overcome some people's perceptions of me. Either that, or just ignore them completely. And I'm trying to empathize with even my most difficult co-workers. What else can a good manager do?

Did you know that there is a patron saint of booksellers (and/or librarians)? He is called St. Jerome. He is also the saint of the insane.

Anyway, thoughts of school still buzz in my brain...

.. .you see, I've got this plan to detonate a huge cargo of gunpowder in the catacombs beneath SMU, and then ... no?


"Remember, remember
the Fifth of November."
-- John Lennon (again)


At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol I always celebrate Guy Fawkes day too^_^ I've always thought it looked like fun since that one episode of Mullberry. Have you ever seen that? It was the one with the guy who was Death's son and he was supposed to start uh Deathing? people with the this lonely old lady but he ended up taking a job as a servant in her house and being good friends with her. That was such a funny show. It had Geraldine McEwan in it as the old lay, Miss Farnaby. It only ran for two series. I keep waiting for Geraldine McEwan to show up in the Harry Potter movies. As far as I'm concerned that is the most entertaining thing about the movies - playing "Spot the Random Britcom Star."

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Mara said...

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At 3:14 AM, Blogger Benjamin said...

It's too late ... um ... what's your name again?

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Bella said...

What an awesome "class" you gave last night on customer service! you know, if all meetings went like that, people would probably start showing up more often. You and Jordan both did wonderfully, especially with the group you had to work with. :)

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Benjamin said...

Geraldine McEwan is Miss Marple. She's also been in "Robin Hood , Prince of Thieves" (with Snape/Alan Rickman) and two Shakespearean movies (with Gilderoy Lockhart/Kenneth Brannagh). I'd be surprised if she doesn't wind up in a Harry Potter movie - although the roles for women are scarce in that series. Dolores Umbridge has already been cast (I've heard). I know who the actress is, but I don't remember her name; she was in "Peter's Friends" (with Brannagh) and is appropriately short and boxy. I've never seen Mullberry. It sounds funny, though.

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Mara said...

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At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! I've seen her! She was Margaret in Much Ado About Nothing! And Mrs. Palmer in Sense and Sensibilty (with Alan Rickman!)! She was toooo funny in that! lol Speaking of Mrs. Palmer, when will Hugh Laurie show up!? Does he still count as a Britcom star now that he has an American TV show? I don't know, he'll always be Prince George to me...

Thanks for the link, Mara^_^

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Mara said...

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At 1:45 PM, Blogger Benjamin said...

I can't believe this ... I'm the third wheel in a conversation on my own blog! Is nothing sacred? At least I've still got Rerun. SHE talks to me.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Mara said...

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At 8:19 AM, Blogger Circe said...

Benjamin, you are an adorable man. Your wit and humor makes people smile.
I like the brighter side of you. Amanda is right! YOu do write awesomly well!
Keep it up, darlin.....people follow the light.


At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Ben-- St. Jerome is the patron saint of Librarians, not booksellers!
The patron saint of booksellers is St. John of God (1495-1550) of Granada, Spain. He is patron of the insane (he went crazy bookselling), printers, and booksellers, and apparently a real pain in the ass.

At 2:10 AM, Blogger Benjamin said...

Yes ... well ... okay.


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