Saturday, October 08, 2005


I'm currently doing research for my project. I've discovered a fascinating subculture which is likely to be a part of the story. It's something called "urban exploration" (Urbex or UE). These are modern day spelunkers (aka "reality hackers"). Many of these groups are formed by teenagers or college students (though some are older), and the phenomenon came largely into being in the 2000's. They are known for exploring areas of modern civilization that are usually hidden or forbidden. These include urban tunnels and storm sewer systems; steam tunnels beneath college campuses and hospitals; abandoned shopping malls, amusement parks, asylums, and missile silos; cemeteries; hotels; airports; and subways. (There's also a fringe element who go into sanitary sewer systems; a fringe of a fringe - whew!) Urban explorers maintain an almost sacrosanct respect for the "beauty" of these places. Even sites of graffiti and vandalism are viewed as part of the overall effect. Some spelunkers leave their own graffiti, but this is typically just a small, personal symbol to indicate that they've been there or as a guide for future explorers. They have a remarkable set of rules that vary, slightly, from group to group. Some adhere to the Sierra Club motto of "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints". Others condone taking small souvenirs. Some leave "guest books" for others to sign when they reach the same depth of exploration. The most notorious (and, apparently, well organized) of these are a group called The Cave Clan who operate out of Australia. Many believe they are responsible for the proliferation of "This is a Heavy Object" stickers in subways and sewer systems all over the world; another strange phenomenon. So, yeah, this is really interesting material, and I think I can work it into the tale. We'll see. Just an update.
You can read all about urban explorers here:


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Mara said...

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At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, when we were kids, my friends and I would climb around in random drainage tunnels and abandoned one gave us a fancy name. In fact, the most we ever got was a couple of skinned knees and a few days of grounding for going places we weren't supposed to...Some people get all the glory.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Junkill said...

Wow, I am reminded of exploration of a certain copse of woods near Hillcrest and 635 and the weird, abandoned house on that property ... years and years back!

At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to


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