Saturday, September 17, 2005


Okay, so --- yeah! I'm planning for this whole Harry Potter Halloween thing and I'm thinking of writing to-do lists, because I like making lists, and because they're bloody useful, and because I love that feeling of accomplishment when I get to mark off something that I've finished. Thing is, there's already plenty of stuff left over from the HP shindig at Borders (courtesy of my friend, Denise, the events coordinator), so I've got to take stock and see what's available. Obviously, I've already got the costume. I've been doing the Gilderoy Lockhart act for so long now, that it's become second nature. I'm debating whether to invite Professor Snape. We'll see ... there zare some unique issues with him/her (yep: pre-op transexual) that make it difficult for me to create a guest list for these kinds of things. I, personally, don't have a problem. Others do. A wise man once sang: "You can't please everyone/so you got to please yourself". But this ain't no "Garden Party" and I ain't no Ricky Nelson. Hmmmm .... managing friends. It can be a real bitch.
Last night was great. I visited Jordan and Amanda at their new apartment (which is as large as a small house, and beautifully decorated). It feels like home the second you walk in. I had some beers, which, looking back, I kind of regret. It would have been better to do things Amanda-style and just drink some tea. But it was Guiness. And I love Guiness. Makes me feel like I'm in jolly olde England. Anyway, their apartment complex is covered with trees and wide grassy areas, and their patio is large and surrounded by plants. Their dog, Trouble, kept jumping on me, licking me and slobbering on me; really making me feel welcome! In a dog sort of way. They also have three cats, and two fish tanks. The place was full of life! I brought them a bottle of wine, sort of like a housewarming gift, but they didn't have a corkscrew. I tried to force the cork down inside the bottle (with a knife), so Amanda could have a glass. It worked, but it caused the wine to spurt up out of the bottle like Ol' Faithful, hitting me square in the face and pushing my hair back like a man in a wind tunnel. We all laughed hysterically! Meanwhile, I showed Jordan my E-chord on guitar (I"m so proud!!) and he showed me all about bar chords and played a little of "Highway to Hell" and "Back in Black", which means he must be reading my blogs. Thanks, Jordo!
Today was fun, too. I love days off!!!! I mowed the yard (which I actually enjoy doing) and weed-wacked the entire property. It looks beautiful. I had to go out to buy a new air filter for the mower and some new cord for the weed eater, but I also wanted to get catnip to start my garden in honor of Rerun. Now ... it took me all of five minutes to go out and buy the lawn equipment. Knew where to go, what to do. Walked straight into O'Reilly's auto-parts, right to the spot where they keep the things I needed, didn't have to ask for help, bought my stuff and boogied on out of there. No problem. Then came the catnip. I sat there in my car and thought, " Now where does one go, in this concrete maze, to buy catnip?" Tried the supermarket. Kroger. Nope. "Outta seeds!" said the lady. Tried Home Depot. They have a huge gardening department. But "no catnip," said the lady. I guess it's not the season for starting a garden ... that's fine. Once upon a time, I didn't know anything about mowing lawns, either. By late winter or early spring, I'll start my garden. Until then, maybe I'll practice on some indoor plants. Also, I work in a bookstore which means I can check out all the gardening books I want ... for FREE!


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Mara said...

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At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or you can go to a pet store, they usually have starter kits you can grow in a tub or plant...


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