Friday, November 17, 2006


1. So far, who did you talk to the most today? Suzy F.
2. What is the best name for a butler? Frederic
3. What is the thing you are picked on most about?
Just being so damn wonderful.
4. What was your last weird encounter?
People on myspace who think they're my soulmate (or some such thing) even though we have never met or spoken.
5. Do you remember the part from Bambi when Bambi learns to say bear?
Nope. I only ever watch the part where Godzilla steps on Bambi.
6. How many good friends do you have?
I have always been blessed with just the right number of remarkable friends
7. What’s the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Doodle bugs (when I was a little boy)
8. What color are your socks today? Grey
9. What is your favorite word that starts with the letter G?
10. Who do you blame for your mood today?
I'm in a good mood (for the first time in a while) and I give all the credit to myself, a day off from work, Rerun, Joel, Chris, Sally, and Suzy.
12. What is something scientists need to invent?
A pill to cure all diseases, so that we can live long, worry-free lives with no fear of sickness. And transporters (i.e. Star Trek) in every home and building, so nobody will ever have an excuse for being late to wherever they are going. And cars with the power of independent thought ... which, come to think of it, would be made obsolete by the transporters, but auto enthusiasts would love them, anyway.
13. What is the closest object to your left foot?
Part of my desk
14. Who is your favortite President?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
15. Do you have an inside joke that has to do with numbers?
No, actually, I don't
16. What is the longest amount of hours you have slept in a row? Tweleve-ish
17. What story do you tell most often?
Either "Night of the Naked Norsemen" or "Snowstorm the Shapeshifting Panhandler" (both autobiographical adventures)
18. How do ugly people make you feel?
One sees so many faces, while working in retail, that either everybody or nobody starts to appear ugly (depending on your outlook)
21. What are the posters on your walls?
I have lots of things in frames (like maps, and artwork by Amanda and my mom), but I do have a huge Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire promo I got from Borders.
22. Say two words that rhyme: pterodactyl and ... er, um
23.Do you use online terms in real life?
No. That would be obnoxious and sad.
25. Do you think this year will be better than the last?
I hope it will, but I am making no prohecies; just plans.
26. Who is the 1st person on your incoming call list? Suzy F.
27. Do you know who Salad Fingers Is? Nope. Is that a rapper or something?
28. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
I bet $500 on a football game when I was young and foolish. It was the first and last time. Might I add: Place kickers should be shot!
29. What is your favorite commercial of the moment?
I don't watch a lot of commercials.
30. What are you looking forward to?
Lots of things. My next meal, Christmas lights, climbing Wheeler Peak with Jordan, visiting Yosemite with Lisa, the next Harry Potter book release (and the inevitable party), getting back into school, fencing with Kelly, the life and times of Zephyr Rainey, Dani completing her transition, the next time I get a chance to go walking on my favorite trails, seeing people I love again, a fair and balanced senate.
33. What do you like to do when you are alone?
Never you mind about that!
34. Who are your 2 favorite characters on Coupling (the British version)? Jeff Murdoch and Susan Walker.
35. What is missing from your life?
A job I actually like, a college degree, fun
36. Would you be ashamed if you wore hippie clothes? No.
37. Grab the closest book, what is the 7th sentence on the 23rd page? "It's a very fine line between fearless and foolhardy".
38. When was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?
What are you suggesting; that I'm some kind of pathetic teddy bear hugging infant? And, incidentally, it was last night.
39. If it was your last day on earth, what shoes would you wear?
My knee high goth boots.
40. Do you own a Super Nintendo? HA! no
41. What do you think of Law and Order?
It's a worthy goal, within reason
42. Can you name all 7 dwarfs?
No, but Kelly, who sent this to me, can and, according to her, they are as follows: happy, sleepy, sneezey, dopey, doc, bashful, grumpy
43. Have you ever pretended to be Jewish?
No, but I pretended to be Methodist for quite a long time.
44. What was the last thing you thought you lost?
My glasses (found 'em!)
45. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Drudgery at work.
46. If you had a ball of clay what would you mold it into?
The first thing the vast majority of men would make out of a ball of clay is a penis. I have never seen this fail. So I am going to be unique and say that the first thing for me would be a pair of testicles.
47. Do you have any famous relatives?
I am related to R.L. Thornton, who has a freeway named after him in Dallas; and, I think, distantly to William Wallace, who mooned the English.
48. Have you ever been cool enough to:
Press all the buttons on an elevator?
No. But I will now.
Bake with an easy bake oven? No
Gone to school when you didn’t remember you had the day off?
HA! As if! I would never forget a day off!
Ever owned a Spirograph? Yes.
What was the last....TV show you watched? Wire in the ... Blood.
Thing you bought? Gas
Person that spent the night at your house? My parents
Song you sang out loud?
"Is She Really Going Out With Him?" by Joe Jackson
Time you ate ice cream? Tonight at Aunt Sally's ... with apple crisp


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Mara said...

I love how you always get cheerful after Aunt Sally Thursday Nights

At 3:47 PM, Blogger AuntSally said...

Thanks, Mara. Somtimes he can be quite grumpy. (Just kidding!) We couldn't have Thurs. Nights without him. It's like my late mother used to always say..."That Ben, he's such a nice boy!"

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Bella said...

I'll agree, it's like his nights at aunt sally's always recharge our Benchenzo and bring him back from the brink


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