Friday, May 04, 2007

Lean and Hungry

Well ... one thing is for sure: my appetite has returned with a vengeance. It had gone away for a while, presumably to avoid the misery it would have had to share with poor, poor pitiful me. But now the long trail of conquered and devoured fish platters, burgers, fries, burritos, bagels, and various forms of chocolate are testament to a most reassuring development to this weird, nearly uncontrollable force to which I am harnessed for the rest of my life; a dark and fearsome power known as El Benchenzo. The sane, rational guy who is writing this blog entry is sometimes merely an equestrian daredevil of sorts, riding the emotional equvialent of a bucking bronco.

In other words, it's good to be eating like a horse again.

Tonight, at Aunt Sally's, I made like Jaws at a beach resort, gobbling down a massive helping of fries and two cheeseburgers. These weren't your average burgers, either. They were loaded down with all manner of hobbity goodness; like onions and mushrooms and pickles and lettuce and tomatoes and swiss cheese. I was too full, afterwards, for apple pie, but I brought some home for later.

I have recently learned that the best way to get an insurance company to pay attention is to use words like "lawyer" and "bad faith" in the same sentence. I got a sizeable settlement from the bloodsuckers. I deserve it.

Here's an interesting factoid: what was my first thought as the Le Saber was broadsided? I had been about to say something which I (at least) thought was really funny to Susanna (my passenger), and I was very pleased, because this was going to make her laugh. Then, of course, BOOM - out of nowhere! - and the first thought that crossed my mind, as the cars were spinning and smashing together again, was : "Fucker ruined my joke!" Now I can't, for the life of me, remember what I was going to say.

Dani (the trannie) called me tonight. She, quite randomly, wanted to know if I thought quadruple amputees could still do it doggie style. I mentioned something about miniature dachsens, and how one might draw a comparison. Dani assures me that she isn't planning to have any of her limbs removed. I am relieved. She lives in Denton, with her girlfriend, right next to the Old Opera House bookstore. This means whenever I go up to visit, we can walk over there (half-a-minute away on foot) and escape into the many corridors and antechambers full of old books. Yippeee!!!

I'll finish my Flying Pig review, soon.


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


A very good sign.

It means you're enjoying things again. Glad to hear about the insurance settlement too - seriously, it's not like you didn't have a case.

I remember my worst accident - the first thing I thought was "Why are the windows so clear?"

It was because there wasn't any glass left in them!

Have I mentioned that I'm glad you're okay, in many ways?

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Junkill said...

Very good sign, my friend!

And sorry I forgot your b'day. No excuses, I was a doofus!

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Mara said...

I miss our lunches.

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Benjamin said...

Me, too, Mara. Me, too.


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